AI Advisor to the Board: Your Continuous Driver of AI Transformation

Strategic AI Partnership.

Our AI Advisor to the Board acts as your strategic AI partner, ensuring a seamless transformation with tailored guidance in artificial intelligence.


The AI Advisor to the Board is an invaluable extension to your executive team, offering specialized advice on a continous basis to drive your organization's AI journey.

Direct AI Expertise.

Gain instant AI expertise at Board level and obtain highly-tailored, curated latest AI insights, combined with the state of AI within your organization.

We envision AI business success can only be possible if there is constant attention to the transformation at hand within your organization. It should be contstantly driven and steered. This continuous drive can stem from someone internally or through the adoption of an AI Advisor to the Board.

In our Transformation-as-a-Service model, the AI Advisor to the Board holds a central position in crafting the company's long-term AI strategy. The main responsibility is to guide top-level decisions, setting the overall direction in AI. To ensure the Board remains updated and aligned, recurring sessions are organized. During these sessions, the Advisor guides Board members through the latest AI trends, provides updates on progress of current internal AI initiatives using KPIs, and references the AI Roadmap. Alternatively speaking, it can act as your virtual Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (vCAIO).

Our '7 Pillars of Successful AI Transformation' framework serves as the basis for these AI Update sessions.

Although the Advisor primarily focuses on the broader AI vision rather than daily operations, they collaborate closely with other organizational stakeholders, to keep a keen eye on AI applicability within your organization.

The Advisor to the Board is a constant point of contact for everything concerning AI. Thus, he/she is well-acquainted with your organization and can provide you with the best advice.

The Advisor to the Board provides advice based on his/her experienced perspective, knowledge and skills. Ultimate decisions always rest with the Board of Directors or CEO (unless agreed otherwise).


The Transformation-as-a-Service model offers your organization immediate strategic expertise without the overheads of full-time employment and recruitment challenges. Our service is adaptive and uniquely tailored to your needs, presented as a flat-fee monthly subscription.

What does it mean in practice: Scope of the Service Offering

Dynaminds offers a unique solution to addressing the need for a continuous driver of AI transformation within your organization. The following activities are performed by the AI Advisor to the Board:

Service Elements Activities Concrete deliverables Relationship with the '7 Pillars' framework Frequency
State of AI Workshop To kick off the service, the Board will be invited to join the State of AI Workshop. Multiple on-site sessions, offering the full State of AI Workshop. This includes development of your AI Strategy, (a refinement of the) AI Roadmap and identification of AI Initiatives as pilot projects. Details about this workshop can be found here. Full '7 Pillars' framework At the initiation of the service
Periodic AI Update Provides periodic (preferably monthly) updates to the Board of Executives. The typical agenda items can be found in subsequent rows of this overview. A presentation, given to the Board. Full '7 Pillars' framework Once a month
AI Research and AI Trends Desk research, gathered through various sources. Customized market research is performed, tailored to your organization and sector. Only relevant news and trends are shared with you. As part of the Periodic AI Update. A digest of relevant resources are shared afterwards. AI Trends Once a month
AI Initiative Reporting Reporting on the outcomes of the AI initiatives, qualitative and quantitative.
Please note that your Advisor to the Board service requires a dedicated internal resource to provide regular data to work with
As part of the Periodic AI Update. Controls Once a month
AI Roadmap Update Driver of AI Roadmap: acts as a continuous driver. Offers insights on how AI can serve the company's long-term vision and objectives. As part of the Periodic AI Update. AI Strategy Once every quarter
'7 Pillars' Framework: Revisited Revisiting the full framework once a year, in alignment with the Board. Focus is primarily on guiding top-level decisions and company direction regarding AI. Interactive sessions, up to two sessions. Full '7 Pillars' framework Once a year, after one year
Ready-to-use Content Stakeholder Communication: Clarify the company's AI direction and implications to key internal stakeholders, including employees. Provide input for regular updates through a newsletter or internal communications channel. Written content (one-pager) People and Organization Every 3 months
Strategic AI Counsel Provide high-level guidance on the implications and opportunities of AI for the company. AI Advisor to the Board is reachable by phone and mail. Per mail, a first response is given within 2 work days. Full '7 Pillars' framework Ad-hoc
AI Business Case Advice AI Business Case advice and advice on AI-related business topics and Board-level questions. AI Advisor to the Board is reachable by phone and mail. Per mail, a first response is given within 2 work days. Full '7 Pillars' framework Ad-hoc
AI Risk Assessment Provides advice on the assessment of potential risks associated with AI projects and strategies. Typical assessment of risks related to AI deployments include potential security vulnerabilities or issues with data and privacy. AI Advisor to the Board is reachable by phone and mail. Per mail, a first response is given within 2 work days. Controls Ad-hoc
Ethical Guidance Advice on potential ethical dilemmas and considerations related to AI. AI Advisor to the Board is reachable by phone and mail. Per mail, a first response is given within 2 work days. Responsible AI Ad-hoc

Optional Specialized Services

In addition to the standard services described above, we can cater for suitable specialized service offerings, provided by us or if needed sourced out of our network. Specialized services include Education and Training (on generative tools such as ChatGPT by OpenAI or Gemini by Google), big data analysis, data strategy development and models, or writing guidelines and compliancy policies.

Hands-On Engagement with (and within) Your Organization

At Dynaminds, we believe in a proactive approach to AI advisory. As a standard part of the service, your Advisor doesn't just operate from a distance, but frequently physically visits your organization location(s), thereby engaging directly with key stakeholders and observing the shop floor in action. This hands-on engagement ensures that your AI Advisor to the Board remains deeply connected to your business landscape, comprehending the nuances of your internal work processes, and actively identifying potential AI use cases tailored to your unique operational needs. As true evangelizers of AI adoption, we are approachable for staff regarding any questions or concerns during these site-visits. Feedback or points of attention can be shared with the Board during the Periodic AI Update.

Where Dynaminds adds Value

At Dynaminds, we are your guiding force in AI transformation. Your Advisor to the Board deeply understands your operations, applications, and processes, and combines this with the latest AI trends. Partnerning with Dynaminds provides control, offers direction, and ensures continuous focus in the field of AI.

The AI Advisor to the Board is a crucial bridge between technical AI capabilities and strategic organizational goals. Here are the core competences that the AI Advisor to the Board brings to the table:

  • Strategic insight: To guide long-term AI vision and initiatives.
  • Analytical capabilities: For assessing the relevance of AI trends and risks.
  • Ethical judgment: To navigate ethical dilemmas in AI deployment.
  • Communication skills: To effectively relay AI implications to senior stakeholders.
  • Leadership and perseverance: To drive your AI roadmap and continuously refine and align it with organizational objectives.
  • Adaptability: To revisit and realign your constructed AI strategy as needed.
  • Knowledge transfer: To educate and engage the Board and organization on AI-related matters.

The Importance of a 'Click'

At Dynaminds, we prioritize establishing a meaningful connection between the AI Advisor to the Board and your organization's senior leaders. We understand that trust is foundational. Your AI Advisor to the Board is a trusted party, adhering strictly to our agreed NDA, ensuring confidentiality and security in every interaction.

Before formalizing any commitments, we propose that you personally meet with your potential designated AI Advisor to the Board. We believe that a human-level match is imperative for fruitful collaboration and high performance of the service.

Furthermore, in our endeavor to continuously refine our offerings and strengthen our partnership, we institute an annual review of the delivered service. This provides an occasion for you to share feedback not only on the tangible outcomes but also on our service delivery process and the Advisor's performance. Did our unique approach meet your expectations, delivering tangible value, making meaningful progress, and truly fulfilling the needs of your organization? It's our commitment to understanding and aligning with your evolving expectations, ensuring an optiomal service experience.

We've summarized the above service in a one-pager fact sheet. Click here for the AI Advisor to the Board factsheet.

Ready to take a step forward in your AI journey?

Call us Schedule an introductory meeting