Executive AI Accelerator Session

Dive into AI.

A 3-hour primer on AI, spurring the discussion with your leadership peers on the implications for your organization.

Theory meets Practice.

The Session offers a balanced mix between providing the latest information and practical application of AI.

With Executives in mind.

One session to get the top level of your organization up to speed on the potential of AI.

The Executive AI Accelerator Session offers all aspects your board of directors or senior leaders need to know about AI and its implications for your organization. In 3 hours, they will be brought up to speed on the latest and relevant developments on AI.

The session itself is split up into 4 parts.

  • Latest in AI: A quick primer on AI and its latest capabilities.
  • Exploring AI Applications: We will cover a curated selection of AI applications relevant to the participants' industry or sector, including case studies of competitors. Dynaminds will perform a quickscan on relevant AI news, based on your organization, spotting relevant trends in the industry.
  • AI Readiness Assessment Outcome Discussion: We will discuss the outcomes of the AI Readiness Assessments. We will highlight common themes, knowledge gaps, and areas of interest.
  • Practical Application with ChatGPT: We will continue hands-on by applying AI in practice, where participants engage with ChatGPT (or similar generative AI tool) to explore a specific use case of such models from a business perspective. We will explain ChatGPT, cover tips and basic and more advanced prompting techniques on how to best interact with such tools. If you organization has a practical use case we can explore together, will make the session even more relevant and applicable.


  • The intended audience: Small team up to 8 people, senior management/executives/board members.
  • Fixed fee: EUR 2500 (excl. VAT).
  • The session will held at any location of your preference, in The Netherlands and Belgium.
  • The session will be held in the English or Dutch language.
  • The Executive AI Session can be held in evenings, for example as part of an evening programme of your executive board offsite session.
  • As input for the Session, your participants are invited to fill out the Executive AI Readiness self-assessment, which can be found here.

The AI Accelerator Session can be regarded as a primer to AI and the session itself has a fixed agenda and scope. For a more in-depth and even more tailored discussion on AI, Dynaminds also offers workshops with a modular approach. More information about these workshops with concrete deliverables such as an AI Strategy and AI Roadmap, can be found here.

We've summarized the above service in a one-pager fact sheet. Click here for the Executive AI Accelerator Session factsheet.

Ready to take a step forward in your AI journey?

Call us Schedule an introductory meeting