State of AI Workshop

Focus on AI.

Kickstart the AI discussion within your organization, having undivided attention to this pivotal business trend that is shaping the future of industries.

Tailored to your organization.

Every workshop is uniquely constructed: combining our expertise on AI with your business needs.

AI Strategy & AI Roadmap.

These are key tangible deliverables of the workshop, providing guidance in your AI transformation journey.

Our 'State of AI Workshop' consists of interactive sessions meticulously crafted to align with your organization's unique requirements. We use the '7 Pillars of Successful AI Transformation' framework as the foundational structure for these sessions. We collaboratively determine the subjects to highlight or delve into during the workshop. To ensure thoroughness without overwhelming participants, the workshop is organized into 2 to 4 distinct sessions, based on its size and selected scope.

Objective of the Workshop

The objective of the workshop is twofold: to share AI knowledge with executive leaders and to engage the organization in the topic of AI, exploring it from various perspectives.

Target Audience

The workshop typically is meant for executive/c-level boards and senior management. It is strategic in nature, focusing on the implications of AI for business, the industry, and the broader societal context.

A Modular Setup of the Workshop

As every organization is unique and poses its own unique AI questions and challenges, the workshop is fully modular and tailored to the needs and wishes of the organization.

Below, you find a set of typical modules to include in the workshop:

Introduction to Modern AI

Providing a broad primer on artificial intelligence and its disruptive potential.

  • Setting the stage, providing a high-level overview of the state of AI and its capabilities.
  • Brief history and evolution of AI. A quick primer on AI technologies: machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.
  • AI Now&Next: current capabilities and limitations; where AI can add value now, and where in the future.

Generative AI: Interactive Session

A practical application of AI within the workspace.

One of the modern AI applications is generative AI. In an interactive session with a prompting expert, generative AI tools like chatGPT are explained and put to work on concrete and practical use-cases currently found in your organization.

  • AI demos: Real-world applications to help visualize the power and potential of AI.
  • Panel discussion: Q&A with a leading AI researcher and/or industry expert to discuss the future of AI.

AI Ethics

As AI will gradually roll-out in your organization, it becomes increasingly important that ethics has a solid place in your overall approach.

  • Ethical considerations in AI development and deployment.
  • Regulation landscape: Current and anticipated regulations, among which the European AI Act.
  • Balancing innovation with responsibility.

AI in your Organization

Based on profile of your organization, we will discuss the potential fit of AI, taking different perspectives.

  • Case studies: How are other leading companies leveraging AI?
  • AI in your industry or sector: Trends, opportunities, and threats.

Dynaminds provides the AI Opportunity Scan as a separate service, resulting in a structured analysis of your organization's most feasible and impactful AI applications.

AI Strategy Development

Based on the discussions and insights gathered throughout the workshop, a high-level AI strategy is defined. The AI strategy should be in line with the overall business strategy.

  • Interactive part of the session, where we explore the elements which need to be included in the high-level AI strategy. This is based on the broad goals and aspirations the organization has with respect to AI.
  • Drafting a high-level AI Strategy, including Mission and Vision, as well as AI Objectives.
  • The '7 Pillars of Successful AI Transformation' framework serves as a basis for constructing the AI Strategy.
  • After the session, the results will be written in an AI Strategy document, which is shared with your organization.

Organization Readiness

Having a grasp on the operational readiness of your organization is key to avoid pitfalls along the way.

  • Assessing your organization's AI readiness: where to look out for.
  • People: Implications of AI on the workforce - both opportunities and potential challenges.
  • Data: Discussion on the merits of having a solid Data Strategy within your organization.

Driving AI Transformation

Moving forward with AI transformation in your organization: As an initial step towards fulfilling your AI Strategy, we draft a rough outline of your initial AI Roadmap together.

  • Identification of current gaps, taking the '7 Pillars of Successful AI Transformation framework as a basis.
  • Discussion on actionable steps for the organization.
  • Discussion on how to organize grip, governance and driving force of the transformation within your organization.

A solid AI Roadmap consists of 1) necessary improvements and projects to successfully apply AI at scale in your organization, and 2) practical applications for AI (identified pilot projects). The latter is covered in a separate service of Dynaminds: AI Opportunity Scan.

Other Topics

Other topics that can be of interest for your organization which can be included in the workshop are, for example:

  • Exploring innovative business models driven by AI.
  • Identifying potential disruption and opportunities for your industry.
  • The role of AI in strategic decision-making processes.
  • Managing bias and ensuring fairness in AI algorithms.
  • Transforming the customer journey through AI-driven personalization in customer contact channels.
  • AI as a tool for ideation and innovation.

Constructing a Solid Workshop Together

Embarking on the AI journey requires not just technical knowledge but also alignment with your business vision and strategy. The workshops by Dynaminds are an ideal starting point. Here's how we achieve this together:

Your Workshop, Your Rules: From Dipping Your Toes in AI to Engaging in a Full-Fledged Workshop

Our workshops are not one-size-fits-all. We provide an array of workshop formats tailored to match your pace and needs. Whether you're looking for a brief, focused insight with our half-day sessions on AI's immediate impact, or you're committed to a deep dive through our multi-day comprehensive sessions leading to a comprehensive AI Strategy, Dynaminds can cater for this.

Embarking on the AI path might seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can be an enlightening and transformative journey.

We've summarized the above service in a one-pager fact sheet. Click here for the State of AI Workshop factsheet.

Ready to take a step forward in your AI journey?

Call us Schedule an introductory meeting